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Tofu Teriyaki Recipe

fresh tofu blocksOne of the most common food intolerances found in patients who are seen at National Jewish Health is to dairy products and milk. For some time now, lactose intolerant people have turned to soy milk as a milk replacement. Tofu is a soy milk product, often cube-shaped. If you are allergic to eggs, soy provides an alternative, since tofu can be scrambled and can sometimes be used in baked goods as an egg replacement.

The following recipe will benefit patients with a cancer diagnosis, high cholesterol and heart disease, or who have milk and dairy allergies and need another way to obtain calcium from their food because of milk and dairy limitations.




  • 3 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce

  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • 1 tablespoons dark sesame oil

  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic

  • 2 teaspoons minced ginger root (available jarred in your produce section)



  • 12 ounces silken extra-firm tofu (available in your refrigerated produce section)

  • 2 tablespoons safflower oil



  1. Combine marinade ingredients in small bowl.

  2. Slice block of tofu into four even horizontal slices. Keep slices in an even stack.

  3. Then cut the entire block of tofu into quarters, slicing diagonally from corner to corner to form 16 triangles.

  4. Pour half of marinade into a 9x9 glass baking dish.

  5. Arrange tofu triangles in the marinade. Cover with remaining marinade.

  6. Cover and set aside to marinate at room temperature for 1 hour or refrigerate for up to 8 hours.

  7. When ready to cook, heat safflower oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Use a slotted spatula to transfer tofu to the skillet.

  8. Cook until lightly browned, approximately 3-4 minutes per side.

  9. Discard remaining marinade.



  • For a firmer texture, at least 4 hours in advance, arrange tofu triangles in a single layer on a non-stick baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze. Thaw, drain off liquid, and blot with paper towels before marinating.

View Sweet and Sour Tofu recipe


Nutrition Information

  • Serves: 4

  • Calories: 113

  • Protein: 7.5 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 5.8 grams

  • Fat: 6.6 grams

  • Cholesterol: 0 mg

  • Sodium: 193 mg


*Recipe and information adapted from "The Complete Soy Cookbook," by Paulette Mitchell, copyright 1998. Modifications were made by Angela Maley (December 2007). Angela is a certified chef and the Director of Food Services as well as Clinical Nutrition Services at National Jewish. For specific diet information tailored to your needs, we recommend you consult with one of our registered dietitians.