Using A Respimat®
Nurse Deb gives instructions on how to use a Respimat®, a plastic device containing soft mist medication.
Watch the video to learn how to use the medication inhaler.
The Respimat is a device which releases medication as a slow-moving mist.
Before you use the Respimat for the very first time, you will need to prepare and prime it. To prime the Respimat, hold the cap in one hand and press the safety release. With the other hand, pull off the clear base. Now, write the discard date on the inhaler; this is 3 months from the date you prepared the device. Push the narrow part of the cartridge into the inhaler. The base of the cartridge will not sit flush with the inhaler. Put the clear plastic base back onto the inhaler.
Now, hold the Respimat inhaler upright, with the cap at the top and closed. Turn the clear base in the direction of the white arrows for a half turn until it clicks. Open the cap, point the inhaler toward the ground, and release. Press the dose release button, close the cap, repeat this 3 more times. Now your inhaler is ready to use.
When you are ready to take your medication, hold the Respimat up straight. Turn the clear base in the directions of the white arrows for a half turn until it clicks. Flip the cap until it snaps fully open. Next, hold the Respimat away from your mouth and gently breathe out. Seal your lips around the mouthpiece without covering the air vents. While inhaling slowly and deeply through your mouth, press the dose release button. Continue to breathe in slowly and deeply. Remove the Respimat from your mouth and hold your breath for as long as you can, up to 10 seconds. When done, close the cap until you use your inhaler again.
Let me show you what this looks like. So you’re going to turn the base until it clicks, open the cap, empty your lungs. And you can close the cap.
The Respimat has a dose indicator on the side of the device. It will let you know how many doses are left. When the pointer enters the red area of the scale, there is enough medication for 7 days. To clean the Respimat, do not put it in water. Simply wipe the mouthpiece, including the metal part inside the mouthpiece, with a damp cloth at least once a week.
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