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The Scary Truth About Teen Vaping

This information has been reviewed and approved by Thomas Ylioja, MSW, PhD (March 2024).

The Scary Truth About Teen Vaping

Teens often believe that vaping or using electronic cigarettes is healthier than smoking tobacco.
Get the truth.


Who's Using What?

 Middle School StudentsHigh School Students
Tobacco cigarettes2.1%7.6%
Mini Pods (like JUUL®)20%25%

30% of teens begin smoking tobacco within 6 months of vaping e-cigarettes

600% sales increase of JUUL products in 2017


How E-Liquids Affect the Body

  • Lead to nicotine addiction
  • Gateway to other addictive substances
  • Depress immune system
  • Prevent lungs from detoxing
  • Increase risk of frequent infections


Mini Pods & Vape 101 for Parents

  • Looks like a USB or flash drive
  • Recharges on USB port
  • Has high concentration of nicotine
  • Easy to hide & consume
  • Many flavors appeal to teens
  • Not harmless water vapor
  • Highly & quickly addictive
  • Often called JUULing

Nicotine Level
1 mini pod = 20 cigarettes


What Are Teens Inhaling?

  • Nicotine
  • Propylene glycol and glycerin
  • Heavy metals (nickel, tin, lead, etc.)


Nicotine Affects the Brain

  • Affects brain development
  • Creates addiction & causes cravings
  • Impacts memory
  • Slows concentration
  • Diminishes attention span
  • Decreases impulse control


Parents, call 1.800.QUITNOW for smoking cessation support for yourself and your teen.

Sources: National Youth Tobacco Survey, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids 2018, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute on Drug Abuse