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Depression Quiz

This information has been reviewed and approved by CJ Bathgate, PhD (January 2024).

Depression Quiz

Can you answer yes to five or more of these items?

Do you:

 Yes No Cry much more easily and more frequently than usual?
 Yes No Can't laugh or enjoy yourself?
 Yes No Feel sad more days than not for several weeks in a row?
 Yes No Feel worthless or have low self-esteem?
 Yes No Feel hopeless about ever feeling better?
 Yes No Sleep is disrupted with early waking, restlessness?
 Yes No Have a hard time falling asleep?
 Yes No Sleep either much more or much less than usual?
 Yes No Seem more sensitive to criticism than is usual?
 Yes No Feel excessively guilty?
 Yes No Think about suicide or wishing your life would end?
 Yes No Eat more or less than usual?
 Yes No Have decreased interest in favorite people or activities?
 Yes No Have decreased energy or motivation?
 Yes No Find it difficult to concentrate and solve problems?
 Yes No Feel irritable with everyone and everything in your life?


If you checked 5 or more items on this quiz, please contact your doctor for help with depression.

If you feel suicidal, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.8255.

Depression Resources


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