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Busting Myths about Oxygen Therapy

Busting Oxygen Therapy Myths - infographic

This information has been reviewed and approved by Jeff Swigris, DO and Ann Mullen, RN, (September 2017).

Summary: Busting Myths About Oxygen Therapy

If oxygen therapy is recommended for you, ignore the myths and get the facts.

Myth #1: Oxygen means I can’t be active.
You will have less shortness of breath and can be more active on oxygen.

Myth #2: Oxygen is addictive.
Oxygen is not addictive.

Myth #3: Oxygen means this is the end.
No, oxygen therapy helps you to live longer, feel better and be more active.

Myth #4: Portable oxygen concentrators meet all oxygen needs.
Portable oxygen concentrators are not good for continuous flow or higher liter flow needs.

Myth #5: Petroleum jelly is best for nose dryness.
Water-based moisturizers are best for nose dryness.

Myth #6: I can’t travel with oxygen.
You CAN travel with oxygen; it just takes some planning.

Myth #7: I can use a portable oxygen concentrator during sleeping. 
Portable oxygen concentrators don’t provide enough oxygen for sleeping.

Myth #8: Oxygen will cause a fire.
Oxygen is not flammable, it supports a flame, but does not cause fires.

Myth #9: Everyone will see the oxygen tubing on my face.
Maybe, but there are many options for oxygen delivery, even glasses.