Latest Dialogue
An Update on Bronchiectasis and NTM
National Jewish Health world-renowned pulmonologist, Charles L. Daley, MD, discussed the care and research at National Jewish Health and our growing understanding of bronchiectasis and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), which affect the lung health of hundreds of thousands. He also updated us on the new treatments that are in clinical trials or in review with the FDA that could provide promising options for these antibiotic-resistant conditions.
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Past Dialogues
Decoding the Immune System:
30 Years of Revolutionary Discoveries
Friday, March 31, 2023
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Philippa (Pippa) Marrack, PhD, and John Kappler, PhD, partners in life, and giants in the field of immunology, inspired us with their journey toward making monumental discoveries of the immune system. Together, and individually, they have impacted the health of millions around the world.
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John W. Kappler, PhD Distinguished Professor, Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine |
Philippa Marrack, PhD, FRS Chair, Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine Distinguished Professor |
When It's Not Really Asthma
The Interplay of Breathing and the Vocal Cords
Friday, February 3, 2023
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Join pulmonologist Tod Olin, MD, as he discusses vocal cord dysfunction and how it can be misdiagnosed as asthma. He and his team at the National Jewish Health Exercise and Performance Breathing Center, use cutting-edge technology to investigate the most difficult-to-diagnose breathing problems to find definitive answers and return people to their active lifestyles.
J. Todd Olin, MD
Director, Exercise and Performance Breathing Center
Tackling Bronchiectasis Through Research, Treatment and Education
Friday, December 2, 2022
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Bronchiectasis is a complicating factor in more than 30 diseases, including asthma, COVID-19, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), nontuberculous mycobacterial infections (NTM) and autoimmune diseases. It is a condition that dilates and scars the airways, making breathing increasingly difficult. The American Lung Association estimates that up to half a million people in the United States have been diagnosed with bronchiectasis — yet it often goes undiagnosed, and many more are likely to have it. Join expert pulmonologist Dr. Lommatzsch to hear how National Jewish Health has been treating bronchiectasis patients for decades, often with effective, non-pharmaceutical options. More recently, our scientists have been conducting research on a promising bronchiectasis drug that is currently in phase 3 clinical trials.
Steven E. Lommatzsch, MD
Director, Non-CF Bronchiectasis Program
COVID and its Lingering Impact
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
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Has COVID-19 become just another viral infection? For those with lung, heart and immune disorders, it can still be a real threat. And, 1 in 3 people who contract COVID-19 experience long COVID symptoms. Join the experts at National Jewish Health to learn what is being done to help and have your questions answered.
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Nir M. Goldstein, MD Director, Center for Post-COVID Care and Recovery The Tuchman Family Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Associate Professor, Department of Medicine |
Irina Petrache, MD Chief, The Tuchman Family Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Associate Vice President, Faculty Development Professor, Department of Medicine Wollowick Chair in COPD Research |
Jinny Tavee, MD Chief, Division of Neurology & Behavioral Health Professor, Department of Medicine |
Big Impact Idea: Repairing and Restoring Function to the Damaged Lung
Friday, March 25, 2022
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Nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections, a non-contagious cousin of tuberculosis, has shown a marked increase in the U.S. population in recent years. Many NTM patients also develop bronchiectasis, a condition that inhibits the ability to naturally clear mucus and bacteria from the airways and puts individuals at ever-increasing risk of infection. Join Dr. Daley to learn about current and future NTM and bronchiectasis research and treatments.
Charles L. Daley, MD
Chief, Division of Mycobacterial & Respiratory Infections
Professor, Department of Medicine
Big Impact Idea: Repairing and Restoring Function to the Damaged Lung
Friday, February 4, 2022
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Added: 15 minute COVID Q&A after the dialogue.
The damage from chronic lung disease can severely impact quality and duration of life. Remarkable advances made recently in medicine and technology have brought our goal of repairing and restoring function to a damaged lung within reach. Dr. Downey will discuss the path towards achieving this hugely impactful goal.
Gregory P. Downey, MD
Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs and Provost
Drs. Harold and Mary Zirin Chair, Adult Pulmonary Biology
Professor, Department of Medicine
Occupational, Environmental and Deployment-Related Lung Diseases: Research and Treatment
Thursday, November 4, 2021
From kitchen remodelers, to 9/11 first responders, to veterans of deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, some occupations encounter greater risks to lung disease due to on-the-job exposures. Drs. Maier and Rose discuss major research on risk factors and the disabling chronic respiratory diseases that those in these occupations experience.
Lisa A. Maier, MD, MSPH |
Cecile S. Rose, MD, MPH |
Big Impact Ideas: Our Next Life-Changing Discoveries
Thursday, June 17, 2021
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Recent advances in medicine and technology have helped accelerate the path to life-changing discoveries with immense potential impact. Hear from Dr. Greg Downey about the advances at National Jewish Health that will lead to:
- Curing Severe Asthma
- Stopping the Progression of COPD
- Preventing Childhood Allergies
- Repairing and Restoring Function to the Damaged Lung
Dr. Downey’s areas of interest include; basic immunology, cellular and molecular biology, infectious diseases and inflammation. He currently serves as an associate editor of American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.
Gregory P. Downey, MD
Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs and Provost
Drs. Harold and Mary Zirin Chair, Adult Pulmonary Biology
Professor, Department of Medicine
Big Impact Idea: Prevention of Pediatric Allergies and Asthma
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
10:30 a.m. EDT | 9:30 a.m. CDT | 8:30 a.m. MDT | 7:30 a.m. PDT
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Allergies impact the health of millions of children and adults. We are asking the question, what if we could find a way to prevent allergies? Dr. Zeitlin will discuss new theories and research towards preventing childhood allergies at National Jewish Health, as well as treatment developments in atopic dermatitis, food allergies and asthma.
Pamela L. Zeitlin, MD, MPhil, PhD
Chair of the Silverstein Department of Pediatrics
Making Strides in the Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis
Thursday, May 13, 2021
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National Jewish Health runs the largest adult cystic fibrosis (CF) program in the country. CF is a genetic and progressive disease that affects the lungs and digestive system. CF worsens over time as a result of persistent lung infections and damage that make it difficult to breathe. Fortunately, steady advances in medical treatments for CF have provided a range of therapies to slow or prevent complications.
Hear from Drs. Jennifer Taylor-Cousar and Pamela Zeitlin about the latest advances in research and treatment of adult and pediatric CF, including a study led by researchers at National Jewish Health that demonstrates how a three-drug combination can improve lung function, reduce exacerbations and improve quality of life. This discovery is one that could ultimately help 90% of people with CF.
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Jennifer L. Taylor-Cousar, MD, MSCS, ATSF Medical Director, Clinical Research Services Co-Director, Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program Director, Cystic Fibrosis Therapeutics Development Center Adult Program Professor, Department of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics |
Pamela L. Zeitlin, MD, MPhil, PhD Silverstein Chair, Department of Pediatrics Professor, Department of Pediatrics |
The Intersection of Autoimmune Diseases and the Lung: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma), Myositis and more
Thursday, April 15, 2021
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Autoimmune diseases cause the immune system to attack both harmful and healthy cells in the body. This attack of healthy cells can occur in the joints, and nearly every organ in the body. When systemic autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory myositis, systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), Sjogren's syndrome and more affect the lungs, they can cause lung disease.
This program will share how autoimmune diseases impact the lungs and how National Jewish Health physicians and scientists are leading in research and treatment of these diseases. Our rheumatologists work collaboratively with the Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary programs to provide unparalleled care for patients.
Dr. Maleki Fischbach studies the genetic and clinical manifestations of Sjogren’s syndrome and is currently conducting clinical trials for systemic sclerosis (scleroderma).
Dr. Solomon is interested in the cause, outcomes and treatment of interstitial lung diseases and specifically on those related to autoimmune diseases.
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Mehrnaz Maleki Fischbach, MD Director, Rheumatology Clinic & Scleroderma Program Associate Professor, Department of Medicine |
Joshua J. Solomon, MD Associate Chief, Section of Critical Care Autoimmune Lung Center and Interstitial Lung Disease Program Associate Professor, Department of Medicine |
COVID-19 Update: What We Know and the Answers We Seek
Thursday, April 8, 2021
We have come a long way in the past year — even while many of us stayed at home. The world's scientific and medical communities have worked tirelessly to stem the tide of COVID-19. Join our world-renowned physicians and scientists to find out what we know, the answers we seek and what it all means for you and your family. Topics include:
- Virus variants
- Vaccinations
- Treatments for COVID-19
- Research
- Care for long-haulers
- COVID-19 in children and teens
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Charles L. Daley, MD Chief, Division of Mycobacterial & Respiratory Infections Professor, Department of Medicine |
Gregory P. Downey, MD Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs and Provost Drs. Harold and Mary Zirin Chair, Adult Pulmonary Biology Professor, Department of Medicine |
Philippa Marrack, PhD, FRS Chair, Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine Distinguished Professor |
Exercise Intolerance: Breathing Trouble When Exercising
Thursday, March 18, 2021
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The National Jewish Health Exercise & Performance Breathing Center in Denver, Colorado is the premiere center for evaluating and treating barriers to exercise related to the lungs and heart. We care for athletes at every level - from children, to Olympians, to adults looking to exercise for enjoyment and health.
Patients travel across the country for diagnosis and treatment of exercise-induced asthma, a myriad other heart and lung conditions that present themselves during physical exertion, and exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction, also known as vocal cord dysfunction, for which Dr. Tod Olin pioneered treatment.
J. Tod Olin, MD, MSCS
Director, Exercise and Performance Breathing Center
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
Thursday, February 18, 2021
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Hear about the latest developments in research and treatment of interstitial lung diseases (ILD). Particular emphasis will be on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), one of more than 130 types of ILD, which is characterized by scarring and/or inflammation of the interstitium - the area surrounding the air sacs at the end of each airway in the lungs.
Both the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation and the National Institutes of Health have recognized National Jewish Health for its expertise in IPF and ILD. Our cutting-edge research and exceptional quality of care offers our patients access to the latest clinical trials and most effective treatments.
Dr. Swigris is regarded as a leading expert on quality of life issues in patients with ILD. His individual research interests include understanding how patients live with and experience ILD, how we assess that experience, and how caretakers might improve quality of life in patients suffering from ILD.
Dr. Elizabeth Redente is studying, among other things, how fibroblasts (cells that make scar tissue) are shaping the lung environment during disease and how targeting these cells to die can be modulated to influence disease resolution in fibrosis and more.
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Elizabeth F. Redente, PhD Researcher, Division of Cell Biology Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics |
Jeffrey James Swigris, DO, MS Director, Interstitial Lung Disease Program Professor, Department of Medicine |
Heart Health: Prevention, Lifestyle and Wellness
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By combining traditional Western medicine with a holistic approach to overall wellness and disease prevention, Dr. Andrew Freeman helps patients achieve exceptional results. He will discuss blending advanced cardiology diagnostics and lifestyle medicine to include a whole food, plant-based diet; regular exercise; mindfulness; and ongoing support for improved health. Dr. Freeman has been nicknamed "The Vegan Cardiologist," for combining lifestyle changes with the latest evidence-based medications.
His clinical interests and expertise are in general cardiology, preventive cardiology, heart failure and cardiomyopathy, diastolic dysfunction (abnormal relaxation of the heart), chest pain and shortness of breath, and heart problems caused by respiratory problems and high blood pressure (hypertension), as well as nutrition and lifestyle medicine.
Andrew M. Freeman, MD, FACC, FACP
Director of Cardiovascular Prevention and Wellness
Director, Clinical Cardiology & Operations
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Gastroenterology: The Gut, the Lung and Beyond
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Did you know chronic digestive disease can have an impact on allergies as well as lung and autoimmune disease? Our gastroenterologists lead in the understanding of how digestive-related disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colon polyps and cancer, liver disease and more impact the lungs. Hear about research and treatment in this focus area of National Jewish Health.
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Jeffrey B. King, MD Chief, Division of Gastroenterology Medical Director, GI Procedures Unit Associate Professor |
Autoimmune Diseases, the Impact of COVID-19 and Vaccine Development
Since the early 1980s when they and others discovered the T-cell receptor, the crucial immune-system element that recognizes foreign substances in the body, National Jewish Health scientists and world-renowned immunologists Drs. Philippa Marrack and John Kappler have continued to make significant contributions to our understanding of disease, leading to better therapies for cancer, allergies and other infections. Find out how their current work is helping us move closer to cures and treatments for immune-related lung diseases including scleroderma and sarcoidosis, as well as type 1 diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis and more. They will also give an update on the impact of COVID-19 on autoimmune diseases and the importance of delivering a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.
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John W. Kappler, PhD Distinguished Professor, Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine |
Philippa Marrack, PhD, FRS Chair, Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine Distinguished Professor |
Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM), Bronchiectasis and COVID-19: Research and Treatment Update
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Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), a non-contagious cousin of tuberculosis, is showing a marked increase in the U.S. population in recent years. Many of these patients also end up developing bronchiectasis, a condition that inhibits the ability to naturally clear mucous and bacteria from the airways and puts individuals at ever-increasing risk of infection. Find out how COVID-19 is impacting these patients and learn about current and future NTM and bronchiectasis research and treatments.
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Charles L. Daley, MD Chief, Division of Mycobacterial & Respiratory Infections Professor |
Shannon H. Kasperbauer, MD Infectious Disease Physician, Division of Mycobacterial & Respiratory Infections Associate Professor |
Cardiology and the Impact of COVID-19: The Link Between the Heart and Lung
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Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women and is often a silent killer. Learn why cardiology is critical to patient care at the leading respiratory hospital in the nation and how advances in imaging are improving our ability to accurately diagnose heart disease and improve treatment outcomes. Receive an update on what we know about the acute and lingering impacts of COVID-19 on the heart.
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Christopher K. Dyke, MD, FACC Cardiologist, Division of Cardiology Associate Professor |
Glenn A. Hirsch, MD, MHS, FACC Chief, Division of Cardiology Medical Director, Cardiovascular Service Line Professor of Medicine |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and the Impact of COVID-19
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Saving and improving the lives of the millions who suffer from COPD is the goal of the physicians and scientists at National Jewish Health. Leading the largest study in the world, COPDGene ®, we are on track to stop the progression of this fatal disease. Barry J. Make, MD, and Anthony N. Gerber, MD, PhD will share where we are in the process and how the COVID-19 virus impacts COPD patients and their treatment.
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Anthony N. Gerber, MD, PhD Director, Pulmonary Research and COVID-19 Research Initiatives |
Barry J. Make, MD Co-Director, COPD Program |
Advancements in Childhood and Adult Allergy Research and Treatment
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Allergies continue to impact the health of millions of children and adults. Flavia Hoyte, MD; Bruce J. Lanser, MD; and Donald Y M Leung, MD, PhD, will discuss the efforts at National Jewish Health in research towards preventing childhood allergies, treatment developments in food allergies and research and treatment of adult allergies and asthma.
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Donald Y. M. Leung, PhD, MD Division Head, Pediatric Allergy & Clinical Immunology |
Bruce J. Lanser, MD Director, Pediatric Food Allergy Program |
Flavia Hoyte, MD Director, Allergy & Clinical Immunology Fellowship |
Asthma Research & Treatment and COVID-19
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Progress made in recent years towards a cure and more effective treatments for the millions who suffer from severe asthma has been unprecedented, and has simultaneously raised new questions. Michael Wechsler, MD, MMSc, and Dr.Max Seibold, PhD, will talk about the advancements at National Jewish Health in the effort to cure severe asthma, some of the exciting ongoing initiatives and the impact of COVID-19 on the disease.
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Michael E. Wechsler, MD, MMSc Director, The Cohen Family Asthma Institute |
Max Seibold, PhD Associate Professor, Center for Genes, Environment & Health |
COVID-19 and Respiratory Illness: A Research & Treatment Update
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The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact us all. National Jewish Health has been on the front lines of this fight in both New York and Denver. Now, in addition to establishing a COVID-19 Recovery Clinic to help patients from around the country, National Jewish Health researchers have initiated more than 70 research projects designed to help us better understand the disease and its impact on our most vulnerable patient population. Anthony Gerber, MD, PhD, will discuss the clinical efforts at National Jewish Health in the aftermath of the initial surge, the research undertaken to advance our understanding of the virus towards improved treatments and ultimately, prevention.
Anthony N. Gerber MD, PhD
Director, Pulmonary Research and COVID-19 Research Initiatives
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