Lisa A. Maier, MD, MSPH, FCCP, ATSF

Dr. Lisa Maier is a fellowship-trained pulmonologist & researcher who specializes in occupational chronic beryllium disease, sarcoidosis & other lung diseases.
- Professor
- Director, Division of Env & Occ Health Science Core Clinical Lab
- Chief, Division of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
- Department of Medicine
- 2024 Top Doctor – 5280 Magazine & Castle Connolly
Special Interests
Clinical Interests
Dr. Lisa Maier has a clinical practice focused on occupational lung disease in the Occupational and Environmental and Granulomatous Clinics at National Jewish Health. The major emphasis of her clinical practice is granulomatous lung diseases, including chronic beryllium disease, a granulomatous lung disease of known etiology, and sarcoidosis, a granulomatous lung disease of unknown etiology.
Research Interests
In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Maier has a busy research agenda. Her work as a clinician researcher complements her clinical practice as she is involved in numerous research projects evaluating the natural history, immunologic mechanisms, and genetic and exposure risks associated with beryllium sensitization, chronic beryllium disease, and other granulomatous and occupational lung diseases that she sees in the clinic. The majority of her research is aimed at understanding susceptibility factors in the development of granulomatous lung diseases, including genetic and exposure factors, and factors which predispose people to more severe forms of the disease.
As part of these studies, we are building beryllium cohorts from worksites and building sarcoidosis cohorts from our clinic. These projects emphasize molecular epidemiology, evaluation of genetic susceptibility factors, assessment of exposures and determination of gene by gene and gene by environment interactions.
These research efforts straddle the bench/basic science and epidemiology with implications for the clinic and workplace. In addition to the above activities, Dr. Maier enjoys teaching occupational medicine residents, pulmonary fellows, educating other physicians, health care providers, and workers and providing consultation to workers and industry.
- 1986
- Cornell University (Ithaca, NY), BS
- 1991
- Duke University (Durham, NC), MD
- 1998
- University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, MSPH
- 1995 - 1998
- National Jewish Health and University of Colorado Denver, Occupational and Environmental Health Medicine Division
- 1991 - 1994
- Duke University Medical Center (Durham, NC), Department of Internal Medicine
- 1994 - 1998
- University of Colorado Denver, Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine
Awards & Recognition
2012-2014: Occupational Medicine 5280 Magazine Top Doctors List
2010: Alpha Upsioln Chapter, Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Denver Elected to the Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health
2009: American Thoracic Society Manucript Presented as top paper, "Year in Review, Environmental and Occupational Health Occupational Medicine 5280 Magazine Top Doctors List
2003: National Jewish Medical and Research Center Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
2002-2006: National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program Recipient
2002: American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Recipient, Merit in Authorship Award
1998: American Thoracic Society David Bates Young Investigator Award
Board Certification
Recertification Program for Continuous Professional Development Pulmonary and Internal Medicine (2004)
Diplomate in Occupational Medicine, American Board of Preventive Medicine (11/99)
Diplomate in Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (11/97, # 156669)
Diplomate in Pulmonary Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (11/96, # 156669)
Diplomate in Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (8/94, # 156669)
Professional Memberships
2003-Present: Member, American Public Health Association
1997-Present: Member, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
1996-Present: Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians
1996-Present: Member, American Thoracic Society
Jonth AC, Silveira L, Fingerlin T, Sato H,. Luby JC,. Welsh KI, Rose CS, Newman LS,. du Bois RM, Maier LA, and the ACCESS Group. TGF-b1 Variants in Chronic Beryllium Disease and Sarcoidosis. J Immunol; Sep 2007; 179:4255-4262.PMID: 17785866
Van Dyke MV, Martyny JW, Mroz MM, Silveira LJ, Strand M, Fingerlin TE, Sato H, Newman LS, Maier LA. Risk of chronic beryllium disease by HLA-DPB1 E69 genotype and beryllium exposure in nuclear workers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 2011 Jun 15; 183(12):1680-8. PMID: 21471109
Silveira LJ, McCanlies EC, Fingerlin TE, Van Dyke MV, Mroz MM, Strand M, Fontenot AP, Bowerman N, Dabelea DM, Schuler CR, Weston A, Maier LA. Chronic Beryllium Disease, HLA DPB1 and the DP Peptide Binding Groove. J Immunol. 2012 Oct 15;189(8):4014-23.PMID: 22972925
Falta M, Pinilla C, Mack D, Tinega A, Crawford F, Giulianotti M, Santos R, Clayton G, Wang Y, Zhang X, Maier LA, Marrack P, Kappler J, Fontenot A. Identification of beryllium-dependent peptides recognized by CD4+ T cells in chronic beryllium disease. J Exp Med. 2013 Jun 24. PMID: 23797096
Hamzeh N, Voelker A, Forssén A, Gottschall EB, Rose C, Mroz PM, Maier L. Efficacy of mycophenolate mofetil in sarcoidosis. Respiratory Medicine. 2014.
Academic Affiliations
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, University of Colorado Denver
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, University of Colorado Denver
Teaching & Professional Positions
Director, National Jewish Health, Occupational & Environmental Pulmonary Medicine practice
Director, Division of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Core Clinical Laboratory, National Jewish Health