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Stay Out of Food Allergy Trouble this Holiday Season

Use this food allergy guide to help you enjoy a holiday season safe from food allergy issues.

woman on the phone

Give your host a heads-up.

Politely let your host know about your food allergy needs. Offer to bring safe foods for yourself and to share.

friends at the dinner table

Inform guests about dietary restrictions at your party.

Offer to help guests prepare safe foods, or let them bring drinks or holiday-themed plates, cups and napkins, rather than food.

Family baking cookies

For school parties, be the class baker.

Volunteer to provide the allergen-free snacks for holiday parties at school, or provide the teacher with a box of safe snacks just for your child.

person looking at food labels

Hang on to food labels for party food.

Keep ingredient labels from the food you are serving for food-allergic guests to review before the feast. You could even get creative and make your own fun food labels that feature the package information.

food prepping vegetables

Avoid cross-contamination in the kitchen.

Use a separate cutting board for raw meat, produce and dry goods. Wash kitchen items thoroughly after each use. Use disposable towels to clean countertops and to dry hands.

Thanksgiving Turkey

Don't overlook the turkey.

A safe choice is a turkey labeled "natural," which by law must be minimally processed and should contain nothing but turkey and, perhaps, water; not soy, wheat or dairy.

Thanksgiving Turkey

Carry emergency medications.

Always have an epinephrine autoinjector with you in case unrecognized food allergens are hiding in holiday treats.

couple checking food labels

Investigate food labels.

Teach family members to become "label detectives," so you know the names of ingredients to avoid. When in doubt, look it up.

discussing food allergy strategies

Discuss strategies with your allergist.

An allergist can help you prepare for the holiday season and suggest allergy avoidance techniques to keep you and your child safe.