Vaping Quiz
Are you addicted? Take the vaping quiz.
Is Vaping Controlling You?
Take the “Hooked on Nicotine” quiz and find out who’s in control of your life, you or vaping.
Have you ever tried to quit vaping, but couldn’t?

Do you continue to vape because it’s really hard to quit?

Have you ever felt like you were addicted to nicotine?

Do you ever have strong cravings to vape?

Have you ever felt like you really needed to vape?

Is it hard to keep from vaping in places you’re not supposed to, like school?

When you haven’t vaped for a while, do you find it hard to concentrate?

Do you feel more irritable when you can't vape?

When you haven’t vaped for a while, do you feel a strong urge or need to vape?

Do you feel restless, nervous, or anxious when you can't vape?

Your Score
Your answers indicate that you are beginning to lose control to the nicotine in vape products. Each YES answer means you have lost more control of your vaping.
You no longer have total control of your behavior. Vaping is taking control and changing you to need more nicotine. Your brain and body grow more dependent on nicotine from vaping products every time you vape.
You can take back control of your life from nicotine by quitting vaping. Text ‘Start My Quit’ to 855.891.9989 for free, confidential help to stop. Visit My Life My QuitTM for more information.
[This quiz based on Hooked on Nicotine Checklist from the University of Massachusetts.]
Your Score
Congratulations! You have kept control of your life away from nicotine. Research shows that most vaping products contain nicotine, even some that claim to be nicotine-free. Because nicotine can create a very powerful addiction, the best strategy is to avoid it completely.
Stopping now will help you keep your independence from nicotine.
Text ‘Start My Quit’ to 855.891.9989 to get help to quit vaping or to get information to help someone else quit. Visit My Life My QuitTM for more information.
[This quiz based on Hooked on Nicotine Checklist from the University of Massachusetts.]