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Avoiding Exercise

Although many people wish they were exercising more often, sometimes those same people come up with a number of excuses to not exercise. Here are some constructive responses to the most common excuses.


Excuse #1

"I'm too busy; I have no time."

You only need 20 - 60 minutes, 3 - 6 times each week. This is time that you probably spend watching TV, etc. Schedule your exercise time in your daytimer or make an appointment with a friend to meet the same time each day. Even short amounts of exercise, such as 10 minutes, performed multiple times a day is beneficial.


Excuse #2

"I'm too tired, I have no energy."

For the energy you expend on exercise, you receive twice as much back. So,if you have a lot of things to do, you'll need extra energy to get them done.


Excuse #3

"It's easier to sit and watch TV than exercise (I'm lazy)."

The less you do, the less you'll be able to do: if you don't use it, you'll lose it!


Excuse #4

"If I exercise, I get short of breath."

You only need 20 - 60 minutes, 3 - 6 times each week. This is time that you probably spend watching TV, etc. Schedule your exercise time in your daytime or make an appointment with a friend to meet the same time each day.  Even short amounts of exercise, such as 10 minutes, performed multiple times a day is beneficial.


Excuse #5

"Exercise is boring!"

Make exercise fun. Distract yourself by watching TV, listening to music or books on tape, reading, or exercising with a friend. Keep a log or diary of your progress. Give yourself rewards for sticking with your exercise program (a new CD, a long-distance phone call, a night out, etc.)


Excuse #6

"I can't exercise today because the weather is bad."

Always have a Plan A and a Plan B. If Plan A is walking outdoors, then Plan B may be stationary biking, walking on a treadmill, walking at the mall, or going to the local YMCA or recreation center.


Find an Activity That Fits Your Personality  

What kind of exerciser are you?

  • Team player
    • Try basketball, volleyball, tennis, soccer 
  • Loner
    • Try biking, walking, swimming
  • Strenuous exercise
    • Try jogging,  water aerobics, stationary biking (spinning)
  • Easier intensity
    • Try low impact aerobics, swimming, hiking, golf
  • Like to socialize
    • Try mall walking, aerobics, water aerobics, classes at your local recreation or fitness center



This information has been approved by Kimberly Sack, MS, PT (May 2012).