All Expedited and Full Board Initial Submissions should be submitted in BRANY IRBManager using BRANY IRB forms as well as:
- Continuing Reviews
- Modifications
- Interim Reports
- Closures
In order to access BRANY IRBManager, Principal Investigators (PIs) and Study Personnel who need access to IRBManager must complete the “BRANY User Access Form” available here: https://www.brany.com/forms-and-downloads (Opens in a new window)
Sign in ink and submit either via email:
sabramov@brany.com or fax: 516.706.5066
Click here (Opens in a new window) to access BRANY IRBManager.
If you would like to speak with someone about any of the information addressed above, please contact the following individuals:
Questions relating to BRANY IRB submissions:
Raffaella Hart
Office: 516.470.6909
Email: rhart@brany.com
Kerri Friel
Office: 516.622.2040
Email: kfriel1@brany.com
(Opens in a new window)
NJH IRBManager
Please continue to use NJH IRBManager for Exempt and Human Subjects Research Determination (HSR) submissions. These will be reviewed and approved by NJH HRPP. In addition, ALL non-exempt human subject research must be registered in NJH IRB Manager prior to submitting to an IRB for review.
Click here (Opens in a new window) to access NJH IRBManager
Questions relating to NJH Exempt and HSR submissions:
Jenna Wall, PhD, CCRP
HRPP Administrator
Email: WALLJ@NJHealth.org
Phone: 303-398-1670