Our laboratory is interested in the natural history, immunologic mechanisms, and genetic and exposure risks associated with sarcoidosis, chronic beryllium disease, and other granulomatous and occupational lung diseases such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
Our group is composed of multidisciplinary investigators and staff who work closely with epidemiologists, industrial hygienists and other laboratory-based scientists to investigate the causes, mechanisms, treatment and prevention of these lung diseases.
We strive to identify and examine genetic risk factors in the development of granulomatous lung diseases. These are important for determining sarcoidosis risk factors which predispose people to more severe forms of the disease.
- Genome-wide association studies
We work to gain a better understanding of both genetic and environmental factors, including assessment of occupational and environmental exposures on disease risk and severity, which likely differs depending on genetic features.
- Exposure and disease susceptibility
The goal of this research is to define biological markers or predictors of disease development and progression, and investigate interventions for prevention and treatment.
- Proteomics
- Radiomics
- Metabolomics
- Multiomics
- Epigenetics
We investigate how different types of cells affect inflammation in sarcoidosis and how this contributes to disease presentation. A better research understanding of various cells could result in new ways to identify the different clinical presentations of sarcoidosis as well as lead to new treatments.
- Defining T cells
- Macrophage
- Immunophenotyping
By analyzing clinical testing, exposure and questionnaire data, we learn more about the various forms and severity of sarcoidosis. From researching how medications impact your quality of life to the relationship between fibrosis and exposure, we aim to understand the full impact of sarcoidosis on the patient.
- Phenotyping
- Defining disease manifestations
- Pathogenesis
- Visit All Clinical Trials
Designed to facilitate future research, we are collecting biological specimens and associated clinical data from patients with sarcoidosis, chronic beryllium disease, beryllium sensitization, and normal healthy volunteers.
- Beryllium Biobank - Learn More
- Sarcoidosis Biorepository

Lisa A. Maier, MD, MSPH, FCCP, ATSF