Laurel L. Lenz Jr, Jr, PhD

Laurel L. Lenz Jr, PhD, is a researcher at National Jewish Health. Dr. Lenz is in the Department of Biomedical Research.
Special Interests
Research Interests
We study mechanisms of immune subversion and immune regulation during bacterial infections and other disease settings. We dissect strategies that microbes have evolved to thwart or manipulate immune responses and work to define host immune regulatory circuits that are manipulated by pathogens. Our studies focus on innate immune responses during mucosal and systemic infections. We are actively pursuing translation of information from our studies towards improved therapies for infectious, inflammatory, cancerous, and other diseases.
- 1991
- Kansas State University, BA, Microbiology
- 1998
- University of Washington, Seattle, PhD, Immumnology
- 1999 - 2004
- University of California - Berkeley, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
Awards & Recognition
Editorial Boards: Frontiers in NK cell Biology, Frontiers in Microbial Immunology, PLoS ONE, Journal of Immunology.
Professional Memberships
American Association of Immunologists
Society for Natural Immunity
Society for Mucosal Immunology
Cytokine and Interferon Society
Rayamajhi M, Humann J, Penheiter K, Andreasen K and Lenz LL. 2010. Induction of IFNαβ enables Listeria monocytogenes to suppress macrophage activation by IFNγ. J. Exp. Med. 207:327-37.
Humann J and Lenz LL. 2010. Activation of naïve NK cells in response to Listeria monocytogenes requires IL-18 and contact with infected dendritic cells. J. Immunol. 184:5172-8.
A LysM and SH3-Domain Containing Region of the Listeria monocytogenes p60 Protein Stimulates Accessory Cells to Promote Activation of Host NK Cells. Schmidt RL, Filak HC, Lemon JD, Potter TA, Lenz LL. PLoS Pathog. 2011. Nov;7(11):e1002368.
Rayamajhi M, Delgado C, Condon TV, Riches DW, and Lenz LL. 2012. “Lung B cells promote early pathogen dissemination and hasten death from inhalation anthrax” Mucosal Immunol. in press
Cole C, Thomas S, Filak H, Henson PM, and Lenz LL. 2012. “Nitric oxide increases susceptibility of toll-like receptor-activated macrophages to spreading Listeria monocytogenes.” Immunity in press.
Academic Affiliations
Associate Professor, Departments of Immunology and Microbiology, University of Colorado Denver
Training Faculty, Biomedical Sciences Program, Reproductive Sciences Program, University of Colorado Denver
Member, University of Colorado Cancer Center, University of Colorado Denver
Teaching & Professional Positions
No current positions.
Industry Relationships & Collaborations
National Jewish Health physicians and scientists may collaborate with pharmaceutical or other industries to develop medical and scientific breakthroughs or to provide education on trends in quality medical practice and outcomes to physicians and health professionals around the country. National Jewish Health maintains a strict conflict of interest policy to ensure that all potential conflicts are clearly visible and that management plans are put in place in order to further innovation and education while ensuring the protection of our patients and the integrity of our research. National Jewish Health publicly discloses any payment to our physicians or scientists. View this faculty member’s industry relationships and collaborations.
Website Information
Department of Immunology and Microbiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine