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Seth Kligerman, MD, MS, Professor and Chair

What do we do? The Department of Radiology at National Jewish Health performs imaging studies and provides interpretations of those studies, as well as provide second opinions on outside studies. 

The National Jewish Health Department of Radiology includes eight on-site fellowship trained cardiothoracic radiologists. In addition, we have 26 consultant radiologists in pediatric radiology, neuroradiology and musculoskeletal radiology.

Our highly experienced team of radiology technologists and cardiothoracic radiologists are experts in chest imaging. We specialize in interpreting imaging studies of the chest including chest x-rays, B-reads, chest CT scans, PET/CT scans, MRI, nuclear medicine studies and qualitative imaging. We are renowned for our expertise in thoracic imaging and have a proven track record of identifying diseases others have missed.

Why National Jewish Health? At National Jewish Health we image more lungs than any other organization in the nation. Our narrow focus on the lungs and our collaborative relationships with our clinical experts across the spectrum of care, means you are in the best hands for finding an accurate diagnosis. Knowing the correct diagnosis leads to more effective treatment and better outcomes.

Seth Kligerman

Seth Kligerman, MD

Programs & Services

The Institute for Advanced Biomedical Imaging offers cutting-edge technology in combination with some of the best chest radiologists in the world to provide advanced diagnostics that are central to personalized medicine. 

B Read Program

Institute for Advanced Biomedical Imaging™

Lung Cancer Screening Program

Lung Nodule Registry Program

Radiation Dose Reduction

Radiology Second Opinion


The mission of the Quantitative Imaging Laboratory (QIL) at National Jewish Health is to maximize the extraction of quantitative imaging from radiologic images. Learn more.



The Cardiothoracic Radiology Department Fellowship offers opportunities for continued learning, research and clinical interactions, designed to develop expertise in all forms of non-invasive cardiothoracic imaging and image processing. Learn more.

Department of Radiology

  • Tami J. Bang

    Tami J. Bang, MD

  • Debra S. Dyer

    Debra S. Dyer, MD, FACR

  • Valerie A E Hale

    Valerie A E Hale, MD

  • Stephen M. Humphries

    Stephen M. Humphries, PhD

  • Seth Kligerman

    Seth Kligerman, MD

  • Vicki LaRue

    Vicki LaRue, MIS, NMAA

  • David A. Lynch

    David A. Lynch, MB

  • Katherine Parker

    Katherine Parker, MD

  • Jamey Smyser

    Jamey Smyser, RPA

  • Shawn D. Teague

    Shawn D. Teague, MD, FNASCI, FACR


Contact Us

Department of Radiology
National Jewish Health
1400 Jackson St, A330
Denver, CO 80206

Hours: M-F, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Main phone: 303.398.1611
Fax: 303.398.1652
Toll-Free: 1.800.423.8891