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Petrache Lab

physician in lab

Our lab uses our expertise in endothelial cell biology and sphingolipid signaling to better understand the complex mechanisms behind COPD and Emphysema caused by environmental exposures to cigarette smoke, vaping, and respiratory viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. Follow on Twitter or LinkedIn for lab news.

Lab News

Thank you Nicholas Egersdorf for your years of hard work and dedication to the Petrache Lab, we all wish you good luck in your future endeavors! 

Current Projects

  • Ceramide Induced destruction in Emphysema
  • Lung Repair by Tetraspanin Interacting Protein IGSF3
  • Biomarkers for toxic and health effects of e-cigarette vaping on human distal lung
  • Ceramide mediates COVID-19 vascular injury and ARDS
  • Pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension in COPD

Lab Resources & Services

The Petrache lab is located on the National Jewish Health Campus, on the 8th floor of the Goodman building.

Our lab employs complementary and translational approaches of studying disease models, including access to local and regional research cores.

National Jewish Core Labs

CU Anschutz Core Labs

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Lab Members

  • Irina Petrache, MD, PI
  • Joanna Poczobutt, PhD
  • Matthew Justice, PhD
  • Katie Kopf, DVM
  • Tsering Palmo, PhD
  • Ali Mousavi Aghdas, MD
  • Betty Dubois, MS, Senior Lab Researcher
  • Tanner Rivera, MS, Lab Researcher 
  • Max Hiltabidle, BA, Lab Researcher
  • Courtney Moeder, BS, Student Researcher


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All NLM Publications             All Google Scholar Publications

Goel K, Egersdorf N, Gill A, Cao D, Collum SD, Jyothula SS, Huang HJ, SaulerM, Lee PJ, MajkaS, Karmouty-Quintana H, Petrache I. Characterization ofpulmonary vascularremodeling and MicroRNA-126-targets in COPD-pulmonaryhypertension. RespirRes. 2022 Dec 15;23(1):349. doi:10.1186/s12931-022-02267-4. PMID: 36522710; PMCID: PMC9756782.

Guntur VP, Nemkov T, de Boer E, Mohning MP, Baraghoshi D, Cendali FI, San-Millán I, Petrache I, D'Alessandro A. Signatures of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Impaired Fatty Acid Metabolism in Plasma of Patients with Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC). Metabolites. 2022 Oct 26;12(11):1026. doi:10.3390/metabo12111026. PMID: 36355108; PMCID: PMC9699059.