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Research Histology and Pathology

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The Pathology Laboratory is a Morphology Core Facility, which provides histopathological and immunocytochemical support for clinicians and research investigators at National Jewish Health.

The facility provides quality control for morphologic studies, and optimizes use of supplies and equipment. Ongoing interaction of our personnel with each investigator facilitates communication regarding morphologic findings, histopathological interpretation, and new technical developments, thus increasing the efficiency of the research projects. 

Our personnel are experienced, dedicated technicians who are accustomed to serving specialized clinical and research needs. A full range of histologic routine and special staining procedures are available. Immunohistochemistry techniques also are offered. Expert advice is available regarding optimal staining methods for special projects.


Areas of Research and Clinical Pathology

Our areas of expertise include, but are not limited to:

  • Clinical Pathology - evaluation of bronchial biopsies, nasal biopsies and intestinal tract samples for light level abnormalities
  • Experimental Pathology - animal models of inflammation and pathologic states and in human pulmonary diseases
    We have extensive experience in the evaluation of development and resolution of pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and in animal "models" of asthma. In the past ten years we have also explored the involvement of chronic infection with atypical pathogens in the persistence of asthma. We have a long-standing interest in pulmonary vascular remodeling in pulmonary hypertension.
  • Cell Biology
    Experimental responses of macrophages and neutrophils to mediators of inflammation. Apoptosis (studies in neutrophils, lymphocytes and epithelial cells).


Major Capital Equipment

  • Philips 400 T Electron Microscope
  • Philips CM 10 Electron Microscope
  • Reichert- Jung Ultracut E ultramicrotomes
  • Lynx EM Tissue Processor
  • Miles-Sakura VIP Tissue processor
  • Miles-Sakura Embedding Center
  • Reichert -Jung Cryocut Cryostat
  • Zeiss Light Microscope
  • Olympus Double-headed Light Microscope Equipped with Camera
  • Olympus Triple-headed Microscope
  • Morphometry Equipment
  • Omega Enlarger
  • IEC Centrifuge
  • Vacuum Pumps
  • Mettler PC 440 Balance
  • JB -4 Microtome
  • Lab Line Incubator/oven
  • Beckman Microfuge
  • Mohr Print Processor



  • David Heinz, Manager


Consulting Pathologists


Contact Information

Pathology Facility
Hanley Building, Room F111
National Jewish Health
1400 Jackson St.
Denver, CO 80206
Fax: 303.270.2240