Morgridge Academy is a free school for chronically ill children in kindergarten through eighth grade. The school, operated by National Jewish Health, serves children living in Metro Denver who have been diagnosed with a range of severe, chronic health conditions. With a dedicated team of teachers, nurses, a child advocate, and a school counselor, the students receive a quality education while learning to manage their illnesses.
The goals of Morgridge Academy are to help chronically ill children to achieve academic and physical excellence and to prepare them to become independent and self-reliant. The coordinated care is designed to give students the knowledge and confidence to manage both their education and their illnesses, ultimately enabling them to return to a traditional public school setting.
In a way, Morgridge Academy is more than just a “school”: it embodies an educational philosophy that enables students to grow, develop, and learn at their maximum ability in a warm, friendly, and caring environment. Each child’s physical health is a top priority, but we also focus on their social growth as well as academic excellence.