How National Jewish Health Expanded Diagnostic Testing for COVID-19
Pulmonologist Dave Beuther, MD, explains how National Jewish Health expanded ways to test for COVID-19 at its Denver campus.
Watch the video to learn more.
Dave Beuther, MD: I am Dr. David Beuther. I’m the Chief Medical Information Officer and one of the lung doctors here at National Jewish Health. As the leading respiratory hospital in the nation, we have a duty to be the center of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dave Beuther, MD: In one of the ways that we’re meeting this challenge, is to greatly expand the diagnostic testing for COVID-19. We have some of the world’s leading scientists helping us develop new ways and better ways to diagnose this condition. We’ve been innovative as we have been throughout our entire history in developing new systems, so that we can get diagnostic test kits and processes in place, and through all of this hard work and innovation, we’re now able to do up to 1000 tests per day. Anyone in Colorado who wants a COVID-19 test can have that with a doctor's order.Dave Beuther, MD: We think this is critically important in our ability to get out of our homes and start life over again, get our businesses back running, and get our patient population healthy. National Jewish wants to be at the center, and the way we're going to do that is to serve the public health by testing Colorado for COVID-19.
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