AeroChamber® with Mask
Many medicines are available as inhaled treatments. Inhaled methods deliver medicine directly to the airway, which is helpful for lung diseases. The patient and healthcare provider can choose from a variety of delivery systems for inhaling medication.
The metered dose inhaler (MDI) consists of a pressurized canister of medicine in a plastic case with a mouthpiece. The AeroChamber® consists of a plastic tube with a rubber sealed end, a mouthpiece and a valve to control mist delivery. The holding chamber assists delivery of medicine to the small airways in the lungs. This increases the medicine's effectiveness. Its portable size, efficiency and convenience make the MDI a desirable method for inhalation treatment.
This device is called an Aerochamber with a mask. The Aerochamber is a type of holding chamber. A holding chamber is often used with a Metered-Dose Inhaler. It can be difficult to use a Metered-Dose Inhaler correctly, especially for young children. The Aerochamber with a mask is helpful for young children who can’t yet inhale the medication and hold their breath.
The Metered-Dose Inhaler often needs to be primed before using the first dose. Priming is spraying a number of doses into the air. Check the package insert that comes with the inhaler to see how to prime that inhaler.
When you are ready to take a dose of the medication, remove the cap from the inhaler. Look for foreign objects in the inhaler and in the Aerochamber. Put the inhaler mouthpiece into the wider rubber end of the Aerochamber. Shake your inhaler and the Aerochamber really well. Hold the mask to the child’s face so that both the nose and the mouth are covered. Press the inhaler once. Watch the child breathe in and out 6 times. The mask has an escalation valve that is colorful. This often is helpful to watch to count the 6 breaths. Repeat for each dose you’ve been told to take.
To find out when your inhaler is empty, check the metal canister on the Metered-Dose Inhaler. There are more puffs of propellant in the inhaler than puffs of medication so it’s important to stop using the inhaler when you run out of medication. Don’t wait until you run out of propellant. You will need to keep track of how many puffs you are using to get a new device before you finish the current device.
Clean the Aerochamber weekly. To clean the Aerochamber, take off the rubber-sealed end, soak the Aerochamber and that rubber end in warm water with detergent. Move both pieces around gently in the water. Do not put the Aerochamber in the dishwasher – rinse the Aerochamber with clean water, shake off the excess water, dry both pieces standing up until they’re completely dry. Do not rub the inside of the Aerochamber. Replace the back rubber piece. Check the package insert to see how to clean the Metered-Dose Inhaler – this varies depending on the medication in the inhaler. Keep the cap on the inhaler after each use to stay clean.
How to Assemble the AeroChamber® with Mask
- Remove the cap from the mouthpiece on the inhaler.
- Put the inhaler mouthpiece into the rubber-sealed end of the AeroChamber®.
- Shake the inhaler and AeroChamber®. This mixes the medication properly.
Taking an Inhaled Treatment
- Hold the mask to the face so that both the nose and mouth are covered. It is important to create a good seal between the face and mask so that all medication will be delivered to the airways.
- Press the inhaler once. The medication will be delivered into the AeroChamber®.
- Breathe in and out at least 6 times. The diaphragm should move with each breath.
- Remove the mask from the face.
- Repeat steps 1-4 when more than one puff is prescribed.
Cleaning and Care For the AeroChamber®
Clean the AeroChamber® once a week or sooner if needed. Regular cleaning will prevent powder accumulation inside the AeroChamber®.
- Remove the back rubber piece for the AeroChamber®.
- Soak the parts for 15 minutes in luke warm water with liquid detergent. Move gently in the water. Rinse in clean water.
- OR - - Place the Aerochamber® in the dishwasher on the top rack. The dishwasher water temperature should be less than 158 degrees.
- Shake off excess water. Do not rub dry.
- Air dry in a vertical position.
- Replace the back rubber piece when the unit is completely dry and ready for use.
Note: The Aerochamber® should not be boiled or sterilized.
This information has been reviewed and approved by Ann Mullen, RN, CNS, MSN, AE-C (October 2014)